
Reflection Essay

This year has been very difficult and very strange because there have been many events like protesting and covid. Covid has affected us in many ways because we stopped going to real school becaise of covid so we switched to online school instead which is more difficult because its not in person it is online. In school the work is pretty easy but doing the work online is boring because you don't get excited to do stuff because its just the same thing all the time just doing work not doing activities like we used to back when we were in actual school.

Les mis chapter 5 first impression

In this chapter he put his sister to sleep and the man followed monsieur to his room the man also observed the room

Literature analysis

The book im reading is about a girl that was kidnapped and they couldn't find her. I think the author does get sleep because the book is very interesting and there are many things to get you hooked to the book.

Webinar meeting

In the webinar I learned about many important things like talking about school and also how were going to have a wellness week next week and also many other interesting things like talking about motivation and engagement.

How We Read

in the post it talks about how everyone that isn't a professional is a amateur because an amateur is a person that doesn't get paid for a particular talent thats why were amateur's and professional people aren't because they get paid for doing it and we don't get paid for doing it


It was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI, who met his death by guillotine as did his wife Marie.  While  Louis XVI  wanted to be a good  king  and help his subjects he faced huge debt and rising resentment towards a despotic monarchy. His failure to successfully address serious problems would dog him for most of his reign.

